Do girls benefit academically from attending an all girls school?

Digital 360
3 min readDec 17, 2021


Attending girls schools in India can definitely make your daughter better at academics, and there are a myriad of reasons why it is so.

There are a few ways to be good at academics; first is the rote learning way where you excessively memorize and practice. This kind of learning is very limiting in its nature and as your child goes into college or her professional life, she won’t be able to give her best as she didn’t get to develop a lot of other skills because of prioritizing academics.

The second way to improve academics is to learn skills to facilitate learning. This will make your daughter an all rounder and will help her excel in her college, professional and personal life.

Enrolling your daughter into a girl school will promote the second way of getting better at academics. It is mainly because of the environment that is suitable for learning which is provided by these schools.

Girls’ school focuses on individualism, social independence and identity. Developing a positive self-identity related to one’s own individuality, personality and ethical values. The design of these schools aims at going beyond conventional image and identity models, with more emphasis on individual identity through interactive content, dynamic path and storytelling experiences.

They equip their students with tools and provide the guidance needed to identify one’s own character strengths, respect others, develop good communication skills, build up a healthy body image, express one’s individuality by doing things differently from the crowd, view oneself objectively by keeping up with hobbies or activities that they enjoy, and solve their problems effectively.

There are cases in co-ed schools where girls are subjected to eve teasing or even are molested. Often the society resorts to victim blaming and parents take their girls out of schools.

There are a lot of girls in our country, in small towns, where women are allowed to study after succumbing to various conditions. Surfacing of such an incident can lead to discontinuation of their studies and that’s why girls endure such behaviors while not informing or reporting these things.

In an all girls environment if such a thing happens girls can report to their teachers. Studying under constant fear is obviously not the best way to get good at academics and that’s why in girls’ school, round the clock girls are in a safe environment and this ensures that they can work on themselves.

Girls experience a lot of changes when they are in school and if they are not comfortable with these changes they will be constantly worried about what other people think about them and won’t be able to concentrate on studies.

Being in a girls school, surrounded by beings who are experiencing the same changes, girls can talk to each other about their problems. They can even discuss and ask for guidance from their teachers. This way they will always know that someone has their backs and help them concentrate on their studies more.

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