How Covid has Affected the Mental health of the people

Digital 360
4 min readJan 21, 2023


Everything was going as usual, the same schedule, same office/school, same work, this might be boring for some of you but the truth is we were happy during these work hours only. But suddenly a pandemic occurs and all of a sudden we have to stay at home but we got some basic facilities like food, entertainment, and happy hours with a family that kept us feeling joyful and content. But the time frame of Staying at home is what we call a Lockdown increased and the feeling of being home packed like staying in jail gained.

At that time we got to know the value of our work, of our routine which makes our day. It’s said, “Extremes of anything is like poison”. Similarly, too much happiness, staying at home, not being able to meet and greet people, and avoiding social gatherings makes everything seem dull and boring.

How covid has drastically affected the mental health of people from all around the world ?

The biggest destruction that the pandemic has caused is mental imbalance and disturbance. The feeling of loneliness has led to depression to some extent and people are facing unknown situations which they don’t know how to handle. To keep students out of this depressing zone, educators of schools in Delhi make students play online games for developing effective strategies that students enjoy.

The workers who were working on daily wages were the ones who suffered the most as they lost their income source and were forced to travel to their villages and other places for 2 meals a day. Many other working professionals lost their jobs during this pandemic. Several companies were closed due to pressure from the government and some went on to losses that urged them to close. The economy of the country dipped and the GDP level also declined.

Insufficiency of food and basic necessities are the major issues faced by lower-middle-class families.

What kills your happiness is the pain of being separated from the family and not being able to travel due to the Lockdown. These problems create stress and tension, which leads to anxiety and hypertension. Increased blood pressure and mental illness are the side effects of the pandemic.

What are the learning from this pandemic?
During the Lockdown period, you must have seen crystal clear blue sky which used to be grayish. High-peak mountains were clear from far and roads were more clean and hygienic without any cleaning.

Due to less movement of vehicles, the pollution which leveled up exponentially has decreased at a faster rate.

Animals are able to enjoy this period as it forms a case scenario where we humans are packed inside the cage and animals are free to enjoy. Deforestation and threatening lives of endangered animals got rescued.

We felt happy at home enjoying time with family. People are able to enjoy quality family time with their children and everyone has got their belonging. A son got his father, a mother was able to see their children get some relief from the daily house chores and spend some time altogether with the family.

We got to know that “ Humanity is still present” in this world and people are helping each other in this crisis.

As Eduminatti says entertainment got its new name as OTT and web shows. Online demand for more stuff increased and people enjoyed family shows at home with ease. TV shows such as Ramayana and Mahabharata gained much more popularity and this young generation got to know our culture and tradition.

Businesses have grown conceptually and online entertainment platforms found their way to grow. More and more entertainment stuff was proposed to the audience which eventually filled their pockets and the company’s growth rate rose exponentially.

Remedies to cure mental health while at home
Yoga, is the biggest asset we have right now during the pandemic to keep our mental and physical health in shape. Most of the Yoga poses (asanas) can be performed in a space of a mat. Lecturers of international schools in Delhi recommend students and their parents perform yoga at home to keep themselves healthy. Some of the yoga asanas that everyone should practice daily include:

Pranayam: Deep breathing and inhaling and exhaling

Meditation: take deep breaths and try to focus on the inhale and exhale of air if you’re a beginner. Practice for at least 10 mins consistently will improve your focus and divert all negative thoughts that can occur in this pandemic situation.

Viparita Karani or legs up the wall pose

Uttanasana or standing forward pose

Balasana (Baby Pose):

Also, perform some stretching exercises which will release the pain

The most important help the pandemic has caused for old age people as they are able to come together as a family and enjoy some quality time with each other.

But in the end, everyone wants life to be back to normal as that life has a mixture of happiness and sad moments, craziness and stress and tension, workload and challenges, joy and vigor for festivals, and loss of some precious moments. A balance between happiness and life is necessary to enjoy life to its fullest as the price of happiness and joy is known when we face crises and problems. There are some learning and some pain that the
pandemic has taught us but most importantly, prayers are held to bring back our normal working days.

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