How do Boarding Schools help you change as a Person?
Agree or not we all have at some point in our lives imagined ourselves going to a boarding school and how we as a person would be different in our behavior, thoughts, mannerisms, and overall personality. As a person who has never been to a boarding school but has heard enough from the people around me who got to experience this life firsthand, I can say that going to a boarding school transforms you as a person.
The lessons and experiences that a boarding school lifestyle teaches a person cannot be experienced otherwise. While we may expect this life to be all things good, there are some habits and traits that can be problem-some that one may develop while studying in their boarding school. Let us have a look into how boarding schools help you change as a person:
1- It makes you independent
Unlike regular schools where you have to take care of wearing a proper uniform and reaching school on time, boarding schools are different in a way that you have to take care of everything from getting your uniform ready a day prior, setting the alarm, waking up on your own, wearing the proper uniform and many more such things.
When you have to take care of almost everything on your own, you learn to be independent and take ownership of your actions which is very important for building one’s confidence. From a very young age, children become very confident and independent in everything they do.
2- It makes you disciplined
Boarding school is very different from normal day-to-day life where every event during the course of the day has an allocated time to it, be it waking up, eating breakfast, doing homework, doing extra-curricular activities and sleeping.
When there is a specified time to do everything, one is bound to get disciplined and very particular about doing everything on time. Valuing time and getting disciplined are the core values that make a person successful in life.
3- You develop a lot of hobbies and interest
We are aware that there are a ton of activities and social service work that happens in a boarding school. All-round development is what boarding schools focus on. There are a variety of extra-curricular activities that one can participate in and acquire the required skills.
A human being is nothing without any hobbies or talents. So, gaining some exciting skills and hobbies is quintessential for the overall development of a person and kills the monotony. of everyday life.
The boarding schools in India are dedicated to honing the skills of the students and preparing them both mentally and physically to excel in whatever they choose to do. There are extensive athletic facilities available that not only encourage the students with training and practice but also help them get better every day.
4- It makes you sociable
It might sound absurd but social anxiety is one thing that most teenagers and even adults face when they go out to live their lives after having spent some 18–20 years at their homes.
As per research conducted by top schools in Dehradun, studying in a boarding school exposes you to people of all kinds of personalities. Talking to so many people every day and living with them inculcates behavioral and personality traits that are required to overcome social anxiety among people.
International boarding schools in India have students from all over the world which help develop these traits among them and makes them comfortable among a diverse crowd.
5- It teaches you the importance of family
The above points might seem very achievable and exciting but all of this comes with a price, which is staying away from your family, craving for their love and presence when you most need them. This teaches us the value and importance of family which cannot be made up by anyone or anything.
6- It teaches you to be responsible
As mentioned above, one has to do every little chore by themselves, be it cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, etc. There is no one to blame or look up to, to get these things done. The only person responsible for getting all things done is you. This is not the case when we are at home, at which most likely our mothers are responsible for every such task. So, boarding schools teach you how to take responsibility for doing everything by yourself.
This trait is very essential for a person to have when he/she grows up and knows what and how everything needs to be done while others are still figuring out their way through those things.
7- Eating Healthy/ Adopting a healthy lifestyle
Unhealthy/ Junk food and boarding schools are probably the worst enemies. There is a place for everything but junk food inside a boarding school. Thus, eating healthy is the only choice you have( you like it or not)/ As much as we might hate such a practice while we are young but as we grow older, eating healthy and adopting a healthy and balanced lifestyle is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. So, if you happened to be a part of a boarding school, eating a healthy diet is something that you definitely must have picked up.
8- Respect various cultures and ethnicities
Wherever you happen to go, or whichever boarding school you join, there are people from different backgrounds and cultures studying with you. Consciously or unconsciously you happen to learn a lot about them, their cultures, and beliefs and broaden your perspective which is something most people lag in today’s time.
So, studying in a boarding develops a sense of respect and tolerance for every religion/culture/ethnicity.