How exams have the power to unlock your bright future.

Digital 360
3 min readJan 24, 2023


Eduminatti says since the 19th century, exams have been conducted for students. Henry Fischel was the man behind the word exam. China was the first country who imported it. The main aim of the exam is to know the knowledge of each individual and their performance in different subjects.

Importance of exams:

According to the professionals from Schools in Mumbai, Exams play a crucial role in students’ lives. Even though exams are boring it is significant. Exams are untasteful but good for your future. We have to accept it. Everyone thinks marks or grades decide the student’s future but, that’s wrong, not the marks, only the knowledge they gain helps them in the future. So, students should not strive for marks instead, they should have a hunger in gaining proficiency in their desired careers or subjects.

Do not think about your future:

International Schools in Pune say students do not take exams so seriously just for getting good marks they try to cheat in exams. They think they are cheating teachers or parents but they are cheating themselves by copying in the examination. Later knowing the truth, if you turn back everything will be finished for your sake.

Time won’t run like a boomerang. So, never feel guilty about what happened in the past and never think about the unknown future. So What you do now reflects your future. Work hard now and enjoy your future.

Competition between students:

Do not compare your children with neighbors’ or relatives’ children because everyone is unique in their way. How can you expect your child to have good ranks like another child? How can you judge the ability of students with their rank cards? Everyone is not good at all activities. Do not label students by grades A, B, and C. Do not judge their strength, or memory just by seeing their grades. Do you find anyone like you no right because you are unique? In the same way, your child is also unique to others. Stop pressuring them with their score and start supporting them. Tell them it’s not the grades we want to tell them to acquire complete knowledge.

Thinking Capacity:

As per research conducted by the Schools in Bengaluru, the thinking process is different from student-student. Students only have the power to change the world. Every student’s style of teaching is different. Students have to ask questions like how and why. If concepts are strong your knowledge of your desired subject is also strong. Let me tell you a fact, fish can swim but can’t run. Rabbits can run but can’t swim. In the same way, every child has strengths and abilities. So, never compare your child’s performance with other children.


Exams are not life. It is a part of life. Even if you fail you can rewrite it again. Exams play a crucial role in a student’s life and it has the power to unlock your bright future. Do not judge students’ performance just by their rank card. They are unique in their way. Support them and tell them even if they score less, we don’t mind because few students take it as stress if it does not meet their parent’s expectations which may lead to death. So, tell them you are with them in every aspect of their life and never underestimate them in front of others. It’s ok if they didn’t score well.

Even Bill Gates has failed in his examinations and now he is the founder of Microsoft. Tell your children if you work hard now you can enjoy a fruitful future. Don’t pressurize them with grades. Yes, exams are boring but they are mandatory. Exam tastes like salt but without salt, the taste of food is bad. In the same way, even if it tastes bad it is good for your future. So work hard now. What you do now reflects on your future.



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