How to Study for Exams: With Dos and Don’ts

Digital 360
4 min readJan 21, 2023


According to the International Schools in Pune Exams are approaching, and having the right schedule and tactics will help you ace them. While you are preparing, you need to ensure that you have the right tips. The pressure of exams may mislead one to study in such a manner that he or she is preparing but ends up forgetting. This can be easily avoided by being aware at each step and being positive. And exams are not to be feared if you understand what you’re studying. So, let’s get started and learn how to study for exams.


Tip 1: Get hold of the syllabus.

Thoroughly read the syllabus; make sure you know what is coming. Prepare a list, jot down all the topics covered in the exam, and neatly tick all those topics for which you have fully prepared. Be honest with yourself and don’t mark topics that you have only half studied and about which you have doubts. It’s equally important to place this list in a spot that you frequently notice.

Once you are done with studying, mark the topics, and believe me, once you have covered all the topics and marked them, you will feel an internal satisfaction.

Tip #2: Begin with Mathematics.

While it may sound narrow and old-school, we all understand that math is such a subject that you cannot master it a day before the exam. The earlier you start, the better. You need to practice in the books from which the questions are framed.

Doing the sums alone will not help you; have it checked by your teacher; they are the most familiar with the question pattern. This will help you know about your shortcomings, and you will also have the upper hand as you will know what format the teacher is expecting the answers to be in.

Tip 3: The Right Subject Combination

This simply means that you don’t have to force your way first through math and then directly to physics. This may end in exhaustion. It’s totally fine; we all have our limits. Knowing our shortcomings, we should thus make a smart combination.

For example, you can take up civics with math. First, cover math, then take a break and start with civics. Studying civics (or any other subject) right after math will help you understand the fundamentals with ease, as you had the mental training while doing math.

Tip 4: Make flowcharts and diagrams. Practice writing

In a survey conducted, it was concluded that retaining a picture is easier than memorizing words. It speaks for itself. The study, understand, and make a flowchart or diagram!

Why practice writing?

Simple: ultimately, you need to write in your answer sheet. Being in constant touch with your writing will aid in increasing your writing speed and reducing errors. Having muscle memory is miraculous. You see the questions, and your hands start writing without stopping because of the constant practice. But for that, after memorizing, start writing down everything you remember. Review it in 4–5 days and write down what you remember without looking at the book. Once you are done, go through the book and see what needs to be added.


Tip 5: Mugging up without understanding

When you fully understand the concept, you can always write on your own. However, just mugging up everything without understanding will finally lead to forgetting. Words slip away in a flash.

Hence, you must know the fundamentals of what you are studying.

Tip 6: Avoid topics that appear simple.

This happens the majority of the time. Most questions with 3–4 marks are framed from difficult topics, whereas tricky questions with true and false, ticking the correct option, or filling in the blanks are framed from “easy topics.”

Ignorance of such topics may lower overall performance. If the topic is read thoroughly, such topics are scored.

Tip 7: Avoiding revision

Students frequently complain about their inability to recall what they have studied. This is quite common. Memorizing the concepts won’t ensure that one remembers them for life; constant revision is always required.

Make sure that before learning a new concept, you review the previous ones. Not revising also leads to unwanted errors and not recalling something you know.

Tip 8: Overstressing

Quite self-explanatory, isn’t it?

You must understand that stressing will not help you succeed. If you have prepared at 100%, be sure that you are going to do well. Have faith and excel!

These suggestions have been tried and tested by professionals from different Schools in Mumbai, so they are guaranteed to work. In the end, having a good strategy will surely cultivate good grades. Sticking to such practices will not only help you get good grades in school exams but will also help you retain your studies for a longer period.

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