How To Write Amazing Articles?
As per research done by students of top international school in India, writing is a very creative process that requires an emotional state of mind where you can actually feel each word of the content written. Writing is all about pouring your emotions into words and showing the world your vision towards a particular topic.
Even in technical writing, one elaborates the details and gives the technicality of the topic as per the facts along with his experience about it. Out of multiple writing techniques, article writing is one of its types. Every article, when written, follows a fixed format which makes it look more impressive and has a greater impact on the readers. The format says, display the topic (highlighted) on the top center of the page then the byline (i.e., the name of the writer) beneath the topic.
After this, you actually start writing the body part, which is further divided into multiple paragraphs; the first part consists of the introductory section where you brief the reader about the topic (you can start with a quotation related to the topic to make it more interesting), the second part is all about the detailed description about the topic elaborating everything (It can contain multiple sub-paragraphs), and the final paragraph is all about concluding the topic. This way, you wrap your emotions in the form of words into the paper.
Writing an amazing article is not rocket science, but you must keep a few points in mind. Whenever you write something, always keep in mind the 7C’s, i.e., clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete, and courteous. The written product should be very clear, not in terms of neatness. Besides, the writing should clearly represent the idea that the writer wants to convey with the correct form of grammar, spellings, and vocabulary.
The preciseness is very important so that it seems crisp and avoids repetition of one particular idea. The written script should be done in such a way that it does not harm anyone’s feelings. It should be unbiased and complete so that it does not create a sense of confusion to the reader or deliver any controversial message.
The 7 C’s cover all the important factors that make an article best in its writing. Whenever you write an article or any speech or write something formally (or informally), always follow the 7 C’s rule.
Also, before initiating any topic, try to learn and read about the topic first. So that when you start writing, you have a sufficient amount of knowledge and content to write. This way, you will avoid repetition to reach the word limit. Follow the proper method step by step while writing: planning, drafting, and editing.
Planning is the process of collecting the required information needed to write about the topic. You collect data from all the possible sources available and in different forms such as visuals, videos, images, text, magazine articles, quotations, audios, graphs, surveys, plots, charts, graphics, etc. Your search and research about the topic is all part of planning, along with a lot of brainstorming you do to produce the best ideas and provoke better thoughts.
This is the basic stepping stone towards your writing process. The next comes the drafting part, where you adjust the collected data and transform the raw data into an organized data. You give the sequence to the data to get the best combination that is best suited to the reader.
The way you construct sentences and paragraphs is all that you bring out through your creative skills. Since researching is all out how hard efforts you put into bringing out the tiniest detail of the topic to convey it to your audiences but drafting is all about creativity and developing connections with the audience.
Whatever you write should be written in such a way that a good reader can understand each word written and can even connect to the things that are not directly mentioned. The final part is editing.
Here you should go through your piece of art that you have penned down to give it a final treat. Do changes if you feel lacking connectivity in the sentences or grammar mistakes, or others.