Digital 360
3 min readNov 20, 2021


The generation that is living here in the 21st century is about technology. As per research done by top schools in India, the impact of technology is so profound that you and I both revolve around technology. From the morning alarm to wake up until the time we are back to bed, we need technology for support.

As parents, if you are trying to restrict your child from gadgets and technology, thinking of your times when life existed without technology, you need to wake up. This isn’t the 19th or 20th century where you can fully control your child; even if your try, it’ll always be a failure, and if you think that you have succeeded, then for sure either you are fooling yourself, or your child is.

You can restrict a child from technology within the range of your vision but beyond this vision exists a world that will make sure that your child gets to know about these gadgets. So there is no harm in letting these gadgets into the hands of your child but in a controlled way. Try to keep a free eye on your child so that these gadgets do not master your kid irrationally.

Keeping a child away from the current advancements of the world is not suitable for your child’s mental health. Your child can be the one left out from the friend circle since you are not letting the child know the trend and enjoy its feature while others at the same time of the same age group are discussing the same day and night.

During your childhood, you would have enjoyed the gully games outdoors, such as spinning the old wheel, steps, seven stones, three claps, ice and water, gilly danda, etc., and in the indoors, you must have played ludo, carom, etc. Similarly, children’s indoor games revolve around these gadgets and intelligent technologies, which are loaded with multi-functions and attractive graphics.

Therefore it is not unsafe if you lend these gadgets into the hands of children you need to make sure that you are not lending your children into the hands of the device, i.e., restrict your children from being addicted to these gadgets; otherwise, the consequences can be harsh enough to accept and overcome for both, you as well as your children.

Technology is your best mate if used appropriately and effectively and can also be your worst enemy if you try to misuse or overuse it. So, as a parent and as a user, you need to be very particular about its use, how to use and when to use it.

Generally human is considered as a master of technology and gadgets but you never know when this scenario can get flipped. As a parent, allowing your child to run with these handy gadgets into the school premises is not good for your child as well as for the other children.

This harasses the educational environment of the school and distracts the children in multiple other ways. Being an insane kid, your child will feel like a superhero while bragging about the gadget, but this will also induce a lot of other children to get the same at any cost.

Also, school is meant to be an educational institution where the atmosphere is totally about sustaining knowledge and education, and using such distractions in the premises can be an offence to the rules and regulations followed with in the premises.

Top boarding schools in India not officially allow students to bring or use such gadgets into the premises as the student during their school-age are highly immature to know and learn the cons of gadgets. It can also disregard books, the source of ultimate knowledge.



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