Technologies We Can’t Live Without
The 21st century of human civilization is based on technology. They’ve become an inevitable part of our life. There’s no such human activity left, I guess, apart from our body’s internal functions, that technology cannot do for us. And these technologies are constantly upgrading too. For instance, for cooking, we got the technology of microwaves, induction stoves, refrigerator, etc., to support us in cooking. Still, now there are self-cooking gadgets and vending machines invented to cook whole food for us.
So technology, with all the constant up-gradation, has become inescapable, and truly we can’t live without them (it will be a big struggle). But then there are some gadgets that we sometimes believe we can live without, like a luxurious car or a private yacht. So appears the curious question of what are the actual essential technologies that we cannot live without. Although, the scope of essentials would differ for everyone depending on their needs and their personality type. But if we talk about students, educators of international schools in Delhi believe that students totally depend on technology for effective learning. But let’s look at some basic tech gadgets that we would not survive a minute without now.
Technologies we cannot live without:
- Smartphone — it was the phone that came first to us as an invention with the primary purpose of communication. But then it took up all other functions too, even entertainment related. So now our phone is our TV, music system, work device, communication gadget, camera, and it just doesn’t end with all the new apps. So smartphones become one technology we cannot live without.
- Computer/laptop — With all the aid of technology and its benefits, the whole world and the economy is now digitally performing. This means we need a computer/laptop for our work. All of the work happens on them, so we cannot live without them too. And just like the phone, laptops as well have multi-features that can aid us in different ways, although it primarily is used for only work, gaming becomes a very good example.
- Internet — After having penned down the smartphone and laptop, I can shout from atop a terrace that this is another inevitable gadget for us. Internet technology is the instrument that takes us out anywhere in the world (with the aid of the above two gadgets). For instance, we could be sitting in a village and looking at Paris on our phone connected to the internet, and not just a video. You know it could be a 360° video too. And besides virtual teleporting, the internet gives us worldwide connectivity; we can talk to anyone with just a tap, thanks to social media.
- Electricity — Electricity is the prime aspect that is linked to and brings us different other technologies such as the TV, phone, fridge, well practically almost everything. Almost all gadgets run on electricity, so hence it becomes unlivable without it. Electricity supports healthcare, too, just to mark its importance.
- Vehicle — not exactly like we cannot live without it, but then we need it. For long-distance traveling, you can’t go walking right. And for emergencies, vehicles, aka ambulances, are lifesavers. Not to mention, it’s a delivery-approached world, I mean, we order everything online now, and they’re delivered to our location without us having to do anything more than just a tap (have to pay, though).
- Google — Supported combinedly by electricity, the internet, and the phone/computer, simple and straightforward to say, we cannot live without Google. Whatever it is, when it’s a question/curiosity, we hop on to google. We get almost all our answers on google. Things we are not comfortable asking the humans. We just search for it on google and get our answers from it. Google answers us, gives us directions, books a restaurant, makes phone calls, finds a lost person, and there’s a lot more, but you have to go now.
- Music — The last in our list which some of you might think that you can live without. Although I’d say that we necessarily need it, because with all the overwhelms of so much technology and activities, we need something to relax. And apart from relaxing, educators of schools in Delhi guide students on how it also becomes a life goal for some people to learn music, some artists dedicate their life to music. Traditionally and modernly, music has always been inevitable to humans, and so are music gadgets like earphones, headphones, speakers, etc.
One might wonder how humans thrived when all this technology wasn’t discovered. Well, life is about progress, advancement, and change. Inventions were made to solve certain problems, and saying that we can live without these inventions is equal to saying that we want our problems back.
So that’s all on our list of technologies that we can’t live without. Now when you make this as your own list, of course, you can modify it by adding some more technologies to it, all up to you. It is nice to know, after all, about the inventions that have the capability of making our life incomplete.