Digital 360
4 min readDec 2, 2022


What is a boarding school?

A boarding school is a residential school where students live on campus. Students stay in dormitories and hostels. Students are sent home on vacations and medical leaves. they are taken care of by the staff of the campus called wardens it is quite opposite of day schools where children return home once done with their classes.

Advice for parents looking for boarding schools

Sending your youngsters to boarding school, away from their guide is a massive step for parents. This makes it very essential and challenging for parents to choose the right boarding school for their child you can refer to the checklist given beneath for deciding the right boarding school for your child

As per a survey conducted by top boarding schools in India, here is a checklist to go through:

1-The infrastructure of the school — the school must have a library, labs, assembly halls, dining facilities music rooms, dance rooms, swimming pools, running field, and playing field so that the child can carry out extracurriculars within the school boundaries these items make the existence of your children in school campus more fruitful.

2-Ranking — the school should have a good ranking. Ranking and reputation are very necessary to be brought under consideration as the ranking of an institute determines their hard work and determination towards studies and extracurriculars of the students.

3-Staff — The staff should be friendly, helpful, and motivating towards the students as they are the only when who will be available quickly when the child needs help. So, it is important for the child to feel secure and comfortable around the staff. It is important to make sure your child is exposed to a safe and caring environment.

4-Academics programs- the boarding school should have a good academic program to enhance students’ exposure and assist them to broaden the hobbies of their preferred fields. The school should expose students to practical learning and also work on developing their competencies through diverse programs like debating, competitions, sports tournaments, and more.

5-Facilities- the boarding school should have good services for students like serving nutritious meals, maintaining the hygiene of the rooms of the student also taking care of extracurricular activities. Also, they must offer additional study opportunities from expert teachers to help improve the academic success of students.

6-Learning environment — look for a boarding school that suits your child’s language. find what language they are using to teach the students, if you are looking for a school that teaches English make sure the staff is well educated and speaks in English too as the children learn what they see.

You can also enquire if they teach any extra languages like German, and French to benefit students in higher studies.

7-Teacher-student ratio — the teacher-student ratio should be a consideration; the classes shouldn’t be too big so that the child gets equal attention from the teachers and they can solve their doubts without any problems also they are taken good care of while on campus

8-Extracurriculars -look for one where students are respectful toward their teachers and peers and faculty members. If your child is interested in sports look for a school that has sports teams or clubs or if it offers opportunities for athletes to compete in other schools’ tournaments or competitions.

9-Safety- Schools must have a good security system. classes and hallways must have security cameras. students should not be allowed to leave the campus after certain hours also they should leave with the permission of the staff /warden.

10–Rules and regulations -schools should have proper rules and regulations which should be followed by the students the school should keep updating parents regarding the child’s academic performance and areas of improvement, and the school should give space to the child and not be too strict to stop his/her development in any field

11-Cost- the cost of expenses should match your budget and includes all fees, including tuition; room and board; books; transportation; and personal expenses like clothing and toiletries. Additional costs might include health insurance or international travel expenses if your child attends an overseas boarding school or college program.

you can also check out: Top boarding schools in India

Benefits of boarding school

  • The child gets exposure to various new things at a young age, as living away from home develops an invaluable opportunity
  • Helps in developing time management for the students
  • The child gets to engage in extracurricular activities
  • Helps in making them independent and improves their managing skills as the child manages his/her affair
  • They learn how to deal with people
  • They grow social maturity which helps in their personal development


  1. What is better for the child’s development boarding school or private school?

Ans. Boarding school is far better for the child’s development as compared to day school schoolers as the child gets to deal with all the things itself and is exposed to various situations of which day schoolers are unaware.

2. Is the child safe at boarding school?

Ans. The answer would be yes as the children are kept under the guidance of the staff also they are supposed to follow all the rules and regulations of the school which make their environment safer.

3. Is Boarding school is expensive than day school?

Ans. Yes, parents are supposed to pay for room rent, food, traveling, pocket money, and more which makes it more expensive than private schools.


Sending your child to boarding school is a big step but selecting the school after keeping a few things in mind can benefit the student’s studies and personal development.

